espera pura desnuda

La espera 
piel de gallina

EXCERPTS >|< Giant’s Causeway (1860-1890)
Animated gif excerpted from The Stereo Pairs Photograph Collection. Image subject: Giant’s Causeaway, published 1860-1890.
We invite you to watch the original stereoscopic photograph HERE
Gif animata estratta da The Stereo Pairs Photograph Collection.Soggetto: Giant’s Causeaway, pubblicata tra il 1860 e il 1890.
Vi invitiamo a vedere la fotografia stereoscopica originale QUI
EXCERPTS by OKKULT MOTION PICTURES: a collection of gifs excerpted from open source/unknown/rare/controversial moving images. A digital humanities project for the diffusion of open knowledge.

EXCERPTS  Giant’s Causeway (1860-1890) VÍA: okkultmotionpictures


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