ser es estar desapareciendo

UNA sustancia transitoria
en su trayectoria, puede
romperse y reconstituirse 
o romperse definitivamente,
o simplemente disolverse
en otra sustancia o red
de sustancias no menos
Ser es estar desapareciendo
dejar huella 
no deja de ser casi imposible
y sin embargo: sucede
tal vez porque toda transitoriedad
es constantemente transitoRIA


in bad english:

A transient substance
in its trajectory may
be broken into pieces 
it may reconstitute itself 
it may be dessintegrated
or it may be simply dissolved
into another transient substance or network
of transient substances 
To be is to dissapear
the trace of what is happening
is almost not happening
and yet: it happens
perhaps because all that is transitory
is constantly transient

dibujo: FSF, 2013


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